Meet Beth, Inspiration behind brand, a four-legged hero who has captivated hearts with her incredible journey from the uncertainties of life as a stray to the warmth and love of a forever home.

The Wild Spirit

Beth's story begins with her as a wild spirit, navigating the perils of life without a home.

In the backdrop of a world filled with uncertainties, Beth emerged as a symbol of resilience and untamed spirit.

The shadows cast by towering structures and the whispers of the wind carried an air of fear, as each day unfolded as a daunting adventure.

A few moons forward, someone noticed Beth in her untamed state. Terrified of humans, she kept her distance, surviving on the kindness of strangers. Humans tried to catch Beth without luck. They gave food for months to ease Beth.

One day, fate played its hand, and Beth found herself ensnared in a trap. As really skinny and hungry, fear paralyzed her as she was taken to a place filled with uncertainty.

Se was finally rescued to Shelter called Suspiros de Cuatro Patas in Mijas, Spain!


In the embrace of the shelter, Beth found solace amidst the cacophony of barks and whispers. The transition from the unpredictable streets to the structured environment of the shelter marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life. The daily routines, the comforting scent of familiar faces, and the warmth of a cozy bed became constants in her ever-changing world.

This newfound haven brought forth the sweetness of affection. Beth, once wary of human touch, gradually opened her heart to the gentle hands that extended kindness. Daily meals became a ritual of comfort, and the touch of caring hands softened the edges of fear that had defined her existence.

The shelter became a sanctuary of healing, where Beth's journey took a transformative turn. The once weary stray, now draped in a sense of security, began to shed the layers of fear that had clung to her like a shadow. Her spirit, once confined by uncertainty, started to radiate a glimmer of hope.


Fast forward a couple of months, Beth's journey took an unexpected twist. A vet visit marked the beginning of a transformative process. Life-changing surgery, a testament to the commitment to her well-being, paved the way for a brighter future. The intricate details of her healing journey unfolded against the backdrop of caring hands and the hum of medical instruments.

From the shelter to the foster home, Beth stepped into a new chapter. The unfamiliar realm of a human abode became the canvas for her healing and newfound sense of security. The once wild spirit, now draped in the comfort of a soft bed, began to explore the nuances of indoor living. The mesmerizing device they called a TV, initially intimidating, became a companion in the symphony of her evolving life.

Barba, a fellow canine resident in her new home, emerged as a confidant and a source of companionship. Their friendship, depicted in candid shots of shared moments, added another layer to Beth's healing journey. Barba's presence dissolved the remnants of fear, creating a safe space for Beth to embrace her newfound sense of security.

The journey from shelter life to the foster home, from the operating table to the soft embrace of a bed, encapsulates the resilience that defines Beth's spirit.

In the embrace of a foster home, Beth embraced a multitude of firsts. She discovered the sublime feeling of resting in a soft, warm bed at night. She learned that every person she encountered was not just nice but super amazing. Instead of keeping her distance, she found the joy of wagging tail and approaching them with open paws.

As Beth and Barba's camaraderie deepened, it became evident that they were not just cohabitants; they were family. Their shared moments of play, the synchronicity in their movements, and the comforting presence they provided each other spoke volumes about the profound connection that had blossomed between them.

With each passing day, Beth's confidence had grown. The once timid glances had transformed into bold explorations, and the tentative steps had evolved into joyful bounds. The shelter, once a temporary haven, was gradually fading into the background as Beth found her place in her forever home. Tail wags, gentle nudges, and soulful gazes became her language of appreciation. It was clear that Beth had not only adapted to her new life but had wholeheartedly embraced it.

I bought new collar for Beth.

With the collar adorned around Beth's neck, it was time to share the news with the shelter. A heartfelt message expressing gratitude for their care, coupled with the joyous revelation that Beth had found her forever home, was sent. It marked a poignant moment of closure, as the chapter of Beth's life within the shelter officially came to an end.

Beth's first collar was more than an accessory; it was a symbol of her resilience, her newfound confidence, and the enduring love that surrounded her. It was a tangible reminder that she had not just found a place to live but a place to belong, forever.

Beth's healing process, once a transformative journey from fear to security, continues to unfold today. Like a diligent collector, gathers Beth courage with each passing moment. Every exploration of her surroundings, every interaction with her human companions, is a step towards overcoming the remnants of past fears. The courage she collects becomes an invisible armor, shielding her from the shadows

Inspiration Behind The Beth Brand

The Beth Brand isn't just a collection of dog accessories; it's a celebration of second chances. We are on a mission to share Beth's story and inspire others to choose adoption, kindness, and love. Every handmade product you find here is crafted with purpose and dedication to enrich the lives of pets and their owners.

Important things

Both Beth and Barba wear collars about 95% of the time, and I found existing options either detrimental to their fur, difficult to keep clean, prone to odors and bacteria, or simply not aesthetically pleasing. This frustration served as the catalyst for The Beth Brand, which aims to solve all these problems.

In crafting The Beth Brand, my priority was to choose materials that are not only durable but also ethical and Cruelty-Free. It's essential for me to provide products that align with my values and contribute positively to the well-being of animals.

While I may be in Spain, my roots lie in Finland, where I spent the majority of my life. Finnish and Scandinavian design hold a special place in my heart. I appreciate simplicity, elegance, and a focus on practicality and material choices. The Beth Brand reflects these values, offering a blend of aesthetic appeal and functionality, with careful attention to detail.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of love, compassion, and celebration. Together, let's make the world a better place for our furry friends.

- Teemu Laitinen, CEO & Founder, Owner of Beth